Say NO to gender based discrimination, sexual Harassment and sexual assault!
After #MeToo movement across USA and Europe, the topic of gender-based discrimination, sexual harassment and sexual assault becomes a hot subject in the attention not only of the public opinion, but to simple people around the world.
The project addresses the topics of gender-based discrimination, sexual harassment and sexual assaults, by exploring them and trying to both raise awareness and find a strategy to tackle them.
After #MeToo movement across USA and Europe, the topic of gender-based discrimination, sexual harassment and sexual assault becomes a hot subject in the attention not only of the public opinion, but to simple people around the world. The fact that 12 million posts on Facebook in the first 24 hours referred to #MeToo movement and other 1,7 million messages on Tweeter from 85 different countries relied on the same topic proves that, the Hollywood phenomenon is very close with what a large number of persons are facing on the daily basis at workplace, at school, at university or in different other places. The lower numbers reported in the statistics proves that this remains a sensitive, if not a taboo topic, which can be explained by the fact that victims often feel shame, guilt, or fear of retributions. The low incidence of repercussions for abusers discourages the victims to report these cases. It is also shown a lack of knowledge and awareness among employers and victims on how they can prevent the phenomenon, change the attitude, and reduce its costs of all levels: individual, organizational, societal.
Learn moreA tool to measure and navigate among risks, behaviors and beliefs associated with sexual harassment. The assessment algorithm will help young people to identify: levels of risks, behaviors and beliefs associated with sexual harassment manifested in different forms – verbal, physical, visual and psychological as well as – activities to be taken to prevent sexual harassment in accordance with the identified level of sexual harassment.
We want to keep you informed with the progress of our project
Kurybinesateitieidejos (KAI) organised multiplier events in Klaipeda Varpo ...
We work together to bring the best results! Our partnership is trying to both raise awareness and find a strategy to tackle topics of gender-based discrimination, sexual harassment and sexual assaults.
is a non-profit organization founded in 2010 at Iasi, Romania that organizes activities with public impact, addressing adult people, professionals, youngsters and children with focus on disfavored groups from urban and rural areas.
is a state higher education institution established in 1908 as an engineering academy. It
looks back on a more than 100-year-old tradition in the Engineering education.
NGO from Lithuania “Creative Future Ideas (KAI)” is working with disabled target groups and organizations in non-formal education field.
is a non-governmental non-profit organisation. It is an information, education and consulting centre on gender equality and the position of men and women in the society.
is a training centre that strongly believes in and supports the innovation, modernisation and internationalisation of education.
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