DEMETRIUS Association is a non-profit organization founded in 2010 at Iasi, Romania that organizes activities with public impact, addressing adult people, professionals, youngsters and children with focus on disfavored groups from urban and rural areas.
Asociatia Demetrius provides researches and methodological professional support, organizes seminars, trainings, outdoor events, contests, and educational support projects, engages in charity and humanitarian projects.
Asociatia Demetrius also provides formal and informal adult education, health education and health promotion, social and psychological counselling, e-learning and ICT skills, social and health research.
Hochschule Wismar (HSW) is a state higher education institution established in 1908 as an engineering academy. It
looks back on a more than 100-year-old tradition in the Engineering education. HSW has about 500 staff members and about 8.900 students, who study on-campus (about 4.000) or off-campus (about 4.900) in distance and online education programmes. Hochschule Wismar is focused on the future needs of society and has a family- friendly philosophy. Hochschule Wismar is a certified family-friendly university, which supports its students and employees when it comes to the compatibility of family and career. As a family friendly university Hochschule Wismar has developed family-friendly infrastructure such as a kindergarten, flexible timetable for students with families and children, children playground, etc.

Contact person: Silva Blažulionienė
Email: [email protected]
NGO from Lithuania “Creative Future Ideas (KAI)” is working with disabled target groups and organizations in non-formal education field. Our trainers and social workers have big experience in using non-formal training methods in education, organizing seminars, conferences, events. KAI activities is mostly related to improving target groups creativity skills. KAI trainings based on non-formal activities, games, both life and virtual. KAI trainers are experts in this field: they work with
schools’ teachers, pupils, disabled people, social workers. Teachers share their experience with other organizations: schools, youth centers, adult training organizations. KAI staff have accumulated a great deal of experience in non-formal training field.
Gender Studies, o.p.s. is a non-governmental non-profit organisation. It is an information, education and consulting centre on gender equality and the position of men and women in the society. Gender Studies also runs a library covering variety of publications and materials related to feminism, gender studies, women’s and men’s rights etc. We also offer free legal counseling service for victims of discrimination based on gender and/or age, with focus on workplace and specific life situations such as maternity leave etc.
Erasmus Learning Academy – Italy
The Erasmus Learning Academy (ELA) is a training centre that strongly believes in and supports the innovation, modernisation and internationalisation of education. ELA aims to foster quality improvements and excellence in education and training. ELA designs and organises training courses and structured training events as well as job-shadowing and study visits for teachers, trainers, headmaster and other education staff in order to support them to improve their
competences and the quality of education provided by acquiring transversal skills and specific knowledge on innovative teaching methods and practices. At national and regional level ELA cooperates closely with several schools and public institutions such as the Region Emilia-Romagna, the local council of Bologna and the Emilia-Romagna Europe Direct point. ELA staff participates in eTwinning particularly in the European corner and notably using the teachers’ corner to
find teaching resources about European Union and European best practices. ELA uses eTwinning as well to network with fellow teachers and schools, both at Italian and European level and to find interesting events, projects and partners. ELA organise more than 20 different training courses tailored for education staff on a wide range of topics including: ICT and new technologies, soft skills, stress management, effective communication, work-based learning, intercultural and
diversity, bullying, early school leaving, non formal education, project based learning, innovative teaching methods, leadership and entrepreneurship, coaching, outdoor learning. ELA’s staff holds far-reaching experience in the preparation, implementation and monitoring since it has welcomed hundreds of teachers, trainers and education staff.