10th and 11th of January, Wismar
2022 came to an end and a new year is ahead of us!
Our 2023 started with a trip to cold Wismar, in the north of Germany, looking on the Baltic Sea.
On the 10th and 11th of January all NOTME partners participated in the 3rd TPM of our project, hosted by our German partners @hochschule_wismar.
Half way through our project, we analysed our achieved results:
– Our assessment algorithm for measuring sexual harassment and assault ✍️
– Our youth training package, including non formal activities to help the prevention of gender based discrimination, sexual harassment and sexual assault 🤚
If you wish to have a look at our results, you can click on the “results” section, where you will find the downloadable PDF in English and in all the partner languages.
Two more achievements are ahead of us and this meeting was the perfect occasion to discuss them and plan our next steps 🏆
Next location: Bologna!